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Restore old, damaged, blurred, or low-quality photographs using the latest AI (Artificial Intelligence) machine learning powered tech. This free tool will let you enhance your precious photos, giving them a new life.

It is mainly intended for restoring faces in images but will also improve backgrounds somewhat.

Choose the photo you want to restore, and then click the Restore photo button.

The restored image will appear below. You'll be able to compare the original with the restored photo, and download your restored photo by clicking the Download restored photo button below.

Supports JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Note that the WebP and TIFF formats are not supported.

About the Photo Restoration tool - the technical details

This tool uses Generative Facial Prior (GFP).

Generative Facial Prior is a machine learning model that is designed to generate high-quality facial images from low-resolution inputs. It is based on the idea of using a generative model to learn a distribution of facial images, and then using this model to generate new, synthesized images that are similar to the training data.

GFP is implemented as a variant of a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), which is a type of machine learning model that is composed of two neural networks: a generator and a discriminator. The generator network generates new images based on a given input, while the discriminator network determines whether the images generated by the generator are real or fake. In the case of GFP, the input to the generator network is a low-resolution facial image, and the output is a high-resolution synthesized image. The discriminator network is trained to distinguish between real high-resolution facial images and the synthesized images generated by the generator.

GFP has been shown to be effective at synthesizing high-quality facial images from low-resolution inputs, and has been used in a number of applications, such as face recognition and face detection. It is also possible that GFP could be used for image restoration tasks, such as super-resolution or inpainting, where the goal is to improve the quality of a degraded or damaged image.

Depending on the photo you are trying to restore, you might see a "slight change of identity" and a lower resolution than you might like.