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Exif Viewer

  1. or

  2. Enter a URL to an image and then click .

    *Image types supported are jpg, png, and tiff.

* tap image to enlarge

ISO Speed

*blue values indicate camera maker specific tags.

How to see where a photo was taken?

The EXIF viewer will automatically show you the location of your photo on Google Maps using the GPS data embedded in the photo (if available). The photo location viewer is a handy feature if you can't remember where your photo was taken. The location viewer will only work if the photo has location data embedded. Not all cameras support GPS location data, and often, people will remove the location data before posting images.

Some camera makers (Nikon, FuijiFilm, etc) also record the camera's shutter count in the EXIF data.

Date and time, ƒ-number (aperture), ISO speed, White Balance (WB), metering, orientation, resolution, exposure compensation, which lens you used and much more...

EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) is a format for storing information about images in the image file itself. It is used by digital cameras, smart phones, tablets, and other devices.

Open a photo from your desktop computer or mobile device

Enter a URL of a photo to see view the Exif data of online photos

What is EXIF data?

Nearly all digital cameras use the EXIF standard, and store a broad range of metadata. You'll be able to look at some of this metadata with this EXIF data viewer, for example:

  • Date and time information. Digital cameras will record the current date and time and save this in the metadata
  • Camera settings. This includes static information such as the camera model and make, and information that varies with each image such as orientation (rotation), f-number, shutter speed, metering system, orientation, focal length, white balance, and ISO speed information
  • A thumbnail for previewing the picture on the camera's LCD screen, in file managers, or in photo manipulation software
  • Descriptions
  • GPS information to identify where the picture was taken
  • Camera shutter count (currently Nikon only—where available)
  • Copyright information


The EXIF format has several tags for location information. Many newer (2014 and later) cameras and phones have built-in GPS receivers that store location information when a photo is taken. This online EXIF location viewer displays a map and address if the photo contains a GPS location.

What is an ƒ-number?

An ƒ-number is the ratio of the lens's focal length to the diameter of the apperture and a measure of lens speed — an important concept in photography. It is usually indicated using a hooked ƒ with the format ƒ/n, where n is the ƒ-number, such as ƒ/1.8 or ƒ/2.8

What is lens speed?

You've probably heard of fast and slow lenses but maybe you're not sure exactly what that means. What is 'fast' and 'slow' when we are talking about photographic lenses?

Lens speed isn't about motion or shutter speed, it refers to how much light passes through the lens when the shutter is open. Lens speed is controlled by the lens' diaphragm, which determines the aperture size. The faster a lens, the larger the maximum aperture and the more light will hit the sensor (or film) at the same shutter speed. Fast lenses with a wide-open aperture can highlight a subject by separating it from the background. This shallow depth-of-field leads to endless creative opportunities and can add emotion to an otherwise uninteresting photo.

What is a fast lens??

A lens' speed is usually referred to by the size of the maximum aperture of the lens. The smaller the ƒ-number the larger the apperture and the more light through when the shutter is open. High ƒ-numbers refer to the smaller apertures. Typical ƒ-numbers halve or double the amount of light passed to the sensor. These are known as ƒ-stops. Going from ƒ/5.6 to ƒ/8 means only half the amount of light is used to expose an image. In this case, we've stopped down one f-stop. To get the same exposure with an aperture of ƒ/8 you need a slower shutter speed than you would at ƒ/5.6 to let in the same amount of light. An ƒ/1.4 lens is twice as fast as an ƒ/2.0 lens.

The following image shows how Apperture (lens speed), Shutter Speed and Iso affect an photo:

What is Exposure Value (EV)?

Exposure value (EV) is a number that represents a combination of the camera's shutter speed and f-number. An EV number represents a set of equivalent exposures. Used in combination with an ISO value, a camera can be set for proper exposure. Exposure value is effectively giving a name (in this case a number) to "equivalent exposure" settings. +/- 1 EV is another way of saying a 1 stop change of exposure. A Camera's Exposure Compensation (or Bias) allows the photographer to adjust the exposure to get a lighter or darker exposure.

What is ISO?

ISO in Film Photography

In film photography, ISO (or ASA) is a measure of how sensitive (or fast) a film is to light. It is measured in numbers: 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, etc. The higher the number, the higher the sensitivity (or speed) of the film and the coarser the grain in the photos.

What Is the Difference Between ASA & ISO?
ASA and ISO are both measures of film speed (or sensitivity to light). The ASA scale was created by the American Standards Association. ASA is no longer widely used, most film uses ISO numbers. The ISO scale was created by the International Organization for Standardization, which is a global federation of standards bodies that works to create standards on nearly every conceivable topic. Film sensitivity being on such topic.

ISO in Digital Photography

In Digital Photography ISO measures the sensitivity of the image sensor.

The same principles apply as in film photography — the higher the number the more sensitive the sensor is to light and the coarser the grain.

Lower numbers mean your sensor becomes less sensitive to light.

Higher ISOs allow you to take photos in darker places, but at the cost of more grain in the image. Other factors such as sensor and pixel size affect how much grain (or noise) is introduced. Bigger sensors with bigger pixels generally produce less noise at higher ISOs. As sensors improve, though, grain/noise introduced by higher ISOs becomes less.

What is YCbCr?

YCbCr is one of two primary color spaces used in video and digital photography systems (the other is RGB). YCbCr differs from RGB in that YCbCr represents color as brightness and two color difference signals, whereas RGB represents color as red, green and blue. In YCbCr, the Y is the brightness (or luma), Cb is blue minus luma (B-Y) and Cr is red minus luma (R-Y).

What is White Balance in Photography?

When you take photos, whether it's indoors or outside in the sun, the light source affects the scene we are shooting. White objects can appear a different color than white, often with a blue or orange cast depending on the light source. We use white balance to adjust the color temperature and tint to match the light source so that white objects appear white.

Luckily, cameras make it very easy to adjust white balance to avoid undesirable results. All cameras have an auto white balance setting, which adjusts the image automatically to remove unwanted color casts by, for example, changing photos taken in incandescent light to more blue.

Photographers wanting more control over white balance can usually choose from some predefined white balance options that adjust the photo under specific lighting conditions. You'll see settings such as Incandescent, Cloudy, Fluorescent, Shade, Direct sunlight, Flash, Underwater, and so on. Some cameras will also let you define a preset where you can create your own white balance setting. Preset manual. This EXIF viewer will show the white balance setting from your camera.

What is orientation (rotation)?

The EXIF standard specifies 8 orientations:

  1. Horizontal (normal)
  2. Mirrored horizontal
  3. Rotated 180
  4. Mirrored vertical
  5. Mirrored horizontal then rotated 90 CCW
  6. Rotated 90 CW
  7. Mirrored horizontal then rotated 90 CW
  8. Rotated 90 CCW

The orientation is an indication in the EXIF data about how the photo was taken (portrait, landscape, etc). It allows applications to determine how to rotate an image to display it correctly. When taking a picture, your camera will typically only use 4 of the rotation settings (that is, the non-mirrored ones - those shown on the left in the above image.)