Seven invaluable Javascript array methods

Snippets Of JavaScript
map(), filter(), find(), reduce(), includes(), some(), and sort()

In the past, working with arrays in JavaScript was awkward with few methods for handling anything but the most simple operations. Today, however, there are many extremely useful JavaScript array methods available in standard JavaScript without having to resort to other libraries. We'll cover seven useful methods here.


map() creates a new array by applying the provided function to each element in the array. The result is a new array with all elements transformed based on the provided function.

const cats = [
  {age: 10, name: 'Mimi'}, 
  {age: 14, name: 'Sooty'},
  {age: 16, name: 'Rosie'}

// expected result: [{"name":"Mimi"},{"name":"Sooty"},{"name":"Rosie"}] => {return {"name":}}); 


filter() creates a new array using filter function that keeps only those elements that return true.. The result is a new array containing a subset of the elements from the supplied array.

const cats = [
  {age: 10, name: 'Mimi'}, 
  {age: 14, name: 'Sooty'},
  {age: 16, name: 'Rosie'}

// Expected result: [{"age":14,"name":"Sooty"},{"age":16,"name":"Rosie"}]
cats.filter(cat => cat.age >= 12);


find() returns the first element for which the supplied function returns true.

const cats = [
  {age: 10, name: 'Mimi'}, 
  {age: 14, name: 'Sooty'},
  {age: 16, name: 'Rosie'}

// Expected result: {"age":16,"name":"Rosie"}
cats.find(cat => == 'Rosie'); 


reduce() returns a single (accumulated) value based on a reducer function and an initial value. The result can be of any type depending on the reducer function.

const cats = [
  {age: 10, name: 'Mimi'}, 
  {age: 14, name: 'Sooty'},
  {age: 16, name: 'Rosie'}
const initialValue = 0;

// Expected result: Sum of the cats ages: 40
cats.reduce((accumulator,cat) => accumulator + cat.age, initialValue); 


includes() checks whether an array contains a specific element.

const animals = ["Dog", "Cat", "Fish", "Bird"];

includes() is more useful for primitive values like strings and integers. It's less useful for arrays of objects because the objects must be strictly equal. In other words, the following will work:

var myDog = {"age":10, "name":'Beau'}
var dogs = [
  {age: 10, name: 'Fido'},
  {age: 14, name: 'Bowser'},
  {age: 16, name: 'Rusty'},

But this will return false:

var dogs = [
  {age: 10, name: 'Fido'},
  {age: 14, name: 'Bowser'},
  {age: 16, name: 'Rusty'}];
dogs.includes({age: 10, name: 'Fido'});

For checking objects in an array it's better to use some().


some() tests whether at least one element within the array tests positive for some condition. It will return a boolean if it finds an element, false otherwise.

For example, if we want to find if there are any dogs with an age greater than 15 we could do this:

const dogs = [
  {age: 10, name: 'Fido'},
  {age: 14, name: 'Bowser'},
  {age: 16, name: 'Rusty'}
dogs.some((dog) => dog.age > 15)


sort() sorts the elements of an array in place and returns the reference to the same array, now sorted.

For example:

const dogs = ['Rusty', 'Bowser', 'Fido', 'Doggo'];

Without parameters the sort function will convert the values to strings and sort those. You can also supply a compare function for more complex sorts. The compare function has two parameters: a- the first element for comparison and b - the second element for comparison. The compare function must return a number based on the order of the elements. It should return a value < 0 if a comes before b, 0 if both are equal, and a value> 0 if a comes after b.

var dogs = [
{age: 10, name: 'Fido'},
{age: 14, name: 'Bowser'},
{age: 16, name: 'Rusty'},
{age: 18, name: 'Doggo'}];
dogs.sort((a, b) => a.age - b.age);

Or, comparing strings

var dogs = [
{age: 10, name: 'Fido'},
{age: 14, name: 'Bowser'},
{age: 16, name: 'Rusty'},
{age: 18, name: 'Doggo'}];
dogs.sort((a, b) => {
  const nameA =; // ignore upper and lowercase
  const nameB =; // ignore upper and lowercase
  if (nameA < nameB) {
    return -1;
  if (nameA > nameB) {
    return 1;
  return 0;